


Yo!  Kai Here!

So for my 1st birthday Mom and Dad took me (and Lance) camping.  It was GREAT!  I had a ton of fun.  Since we went in the middle of the week, we had the park (Bruce Peninsula National Park) mostly to ourselves, so we were able to hike and run around with Mom and Dad mostly off leash.  We got to play in the water, though Lance was the one crazy enough to go swimming, I, more practically, prefer to be able to touch bottom when I'm in the water.  Still it's a lot of fun.  Dad throws things out into the water, Lance leaps in and goes to get them, and I wait on the shore and take them away from him.  Lots of fun and I don't get my head wet.

Sleeping in the tent was great.  If you haven't done it, it's sort of like crate training your parents.  Except that the sides of the crate are soft.  That, and when you wake up in the dark and nose your Dad to see if you can go out, he grumbles some.  Still loads of fun.

About the only thing that wasn't great were the black flies!  They kept biting the inside of my ears.  Is that fair?  Really?  Geez!  Mom and Dad were going to use Off® on our ears, but they weren't sure it was safe for puppies.  Mom and Dad put up the dining tent and we spent the really buggy times in there.

Overall, camping gets a big 5 paws from me.  Black flies, no paws. 



BTW, my birthday was May 3rd, you all know that right?  I expected at least 1-2 kilos of aged cheddar.  Perhaps you forgot to put it in the mail.



Yo!  Kai here.

You know when you’ve found the perfect thing to chew?  It’s just the right size and weight?  Thuds really good on the floor or your crate?  You know what I’m talking about right?  It rocks, right.  Right balance of hard and soft, just enough good stuff in the middle so you can dig it out?  I’ve got one of those – it’s a piece of antler.  (Shut up Lance, I am *not* an elk and this is not cannibalism.)

So I’m chewing away this afternoon, I’ve had lunch, and looking forward to a long nap once I get a bit more gnawing done.  So, of course, Dale has to come by and start staring at me.  And the only choice once you’ve been taunted by a cat is to follow him until you can get a good solid sniff or lick in – I mean a guy’s gotta have his limits, right?  Anyway, I head back to my antler, and Lance has snagged it while I was doing my official dog duties!  I mean, what gives?  He’s the older one, isn’t he supposed to be keeping the cats in line? 

Now I’m stuck with one of the 2nd best chews in the house.  I get the imitation tire and slog back to the kitchen, but, wait, here’s my chance.  Lance is off away from Mom by the bathroom.  If I’m quiet enough, and don’t give it away…  BANG!  All it takes is a couple of quick feints at Lance’s ears (which are HUGE by the way) and I’ve got the antler and he’s got nuttin’!  (OK, he’s got the tire, but who wants that when there’s an antler?)

That's it for now.  Five or six more chews and I'm done.




Bye Snow

Hi! Lance here.

I know you humans out there may be happy for, but it looks like the snow is starting to leave.  Saturday we had tons of lovely fluffy white stuff to roll and run in.  Today’s it’s all slushy and messy; I’m going to miss it when it’s gone.    It’s not all bad though, ‘cause with summer comes swimming and that’s almost as great as playing in the snow. 

Still we got a bit more snow time because we went to a new dog park on the weekend.  It was really great.  Lots different than the one near our house with a lot more trees to sniff at and new dogs to meet. 

Here’s a  picture of it:

I’d better go.  Almost time to go outside and bark at the dog next door.



p.s.      Here a picture of Kai and me in the driveway.  Mommy and Daddy have got to stop feeding him.  He’s HUGE!.  I mean he must be some sort of a mutant!

See?  How come he's taller than me?????