


Yo!  Kai Here!

Haven’t posted in a while, I know.  Been busy.  (OK, maybe not busy, but I’ve been doing a lot of napping, wrestling with Lance, and overall goofing off.)

Here it is November and no snow.  Not sure what Lance is going on about.  I think those big ears of his draw too much heat away from his brain. 

Speaking of ears, Mom and Dad are still on me about mine not standing up.  Isn’t it enough they stand up when I’m sleeping?  Dad came home last night with tape and some hair rollers.  IN PINK!  They’re not serious are they?  They’re going to put pink foam rollers in my ears????  I’m going to get slaughtered at the dog park!!!!

There is a good side to all this.  Someone mentioned that I needed more calcium in my diet.  I’d have been happy to gnaw on a few oyster shells, but instead of that Dad came home with CHEESE!  It rocks.  For a while they were using this Gouda stuff from the fridge, but then they got some new Cheddar.  Way, way, way lots better.  Heck, I might give up cruising the floor for the odd piece of mis-placed cat food for it.

I gotta go.  The cat’s gonna jump over the gate into this part of the room in a couple of seconds and he needs a good sniff!



BTW, my birthday’s May 3rd.  5 year old cheddar (or older) is always appreciated.  (My half birthday’s in a couple of weeks…)

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